- It's OK to be depressed. We know that receiving the news of your child's autism is a hard pill to swallow. Sadness, disappointment & grief are all natural & necessary emotions. However, make sure that you snap out of the depression as soon as possible. Your job is to help your child, remember that.
-Research, there are tons of resources online.
-Autism will change your life. But do not lose hope because solutions exist.
-The key is early intervention. Find a developmental pediatrician (if you haven't consulted one at this point) to get a formal diagnosis for your child.
-Research on possible therapies that can help your child.
-It helps to confide about your child's condition to your relatives and close friends. Believe it or not, we found it very therapeutic.
-Have a heart to heart talk with your spouse (and children) about your child's autism. Discuss all possible options with your family members.
-Research, read books about autism.
-Do not make impulsive decisions, think twice when in doubt.
-Don't stop living your life. Believe it or not, life goes on despite autism.
-Be optimistic.
-Research, know the latest treatments available to conquer autism.
-Find a support group, there are people out there with the same concerns. You are not alone in this battle.
-Accept your child's condition.
-Read the lovely poem "God's Whisper" written by one of my dearest friends in the world, Jeannie. It has helped me put things in the proper perspective (see below)
-Be proactive.
-Did we mention Research?
-When making major decisions, your child's welfare should be your top priority. Do not decide based on what is convenient for you. Decide based on what's best for your child.
- Laugh. Cry. It's good for you.
- Don't forget to have fun!
- Do not lose hope. Acceptance doesn’t mean giving up...
-Join the Autism Pinoy online support group at http://www.autismpinoy.com/forums
-PRAY. It’s the most powerful intervention for your child.